Need it gone. $60 OBO
No Leaks or cracks. Holds water with no issues.
Total Dimension: 30"L x 16"W x16"H
Refugium (Right Side): 14"L x 16"W x 14"H
Left Side has been divided evenly: 16''L x 8'W x 10'H (2x)
Flow Rate: up to 300GPH
This Sump was used for a 65 Gallon Reef Tank. It worked great because I used the right side of the tank (See Picture) as a refugium and isolation tank. The left side is divided in half for the return pump, skimmer and Bio-filtration.
Personally, I would keep it but I don't have the space and decided to get a bigger setup to combine the multiple smaller setups I had.
If need be, the dividers can be removed and the tank can be used as an Aquarium.