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Old 11-13-2017, 06:36 PM
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Originally Posted by vanreefer View Post
The bubbling will be very aggressive at the beginning of the process... as far as “being done” it’s when ur happy with the appearance of the rock or the bubbling (hydrochloride acid being neutralized by the bicarbonate in the rock) slows or nearly stops... I use xtra heavy duty rubber gloves to pull out some pieces and inspect them. Please be very very very careful as the acid will burn ur skin and destroy ur clothes.
I usually put 1/2 a small box in when I’m done. More may be required if the rock was only bathed for a short time.
Remember to do this outside as the fumes are fairly intense
Good luck
Yes safety is paramount. If you do get acid on your skin, neutralize it immediately with baking soda. I'm sure you knew that however.

I always have a few boxes open and ready to go just in case.
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