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Old 11-13-2017, 05:04 AM
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Dash Dash is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: New Westminster, BC
Posts: 304
Dash is on a distinguished road

I finally have baffles in my sump! I went with a simple design and the husband did a pretty decent job with the silicone.

I did a water test on both the main tank and the sump, and all is well. Whew! I have to admit I was nervous filling up the big tank in the house. It was quite the job emptying it out afterward.

Now onto the plumbing. Went to JL and they had no 1.5" bulkheads in stock and no ETA for pending shipments. Then I couldn't find any pvc fittings at Home Depot - what? I thought they have everything. Will check out some other places this week.
Now I can move on to the plumbing, which is my
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