Originally Posted by albert_dao
Soft coral reef for round two? Best of both world:
1. you get to keep your angel.
2. you get to upgrade to the best corals in the hobby, bar none.
Bahahahaha ha! !!! Uh....SPS are the ONLY corals!
Originally Posted by Animal-Chin
I have this awesome gorgonia and like 4 days ago my Blue Tang decides to start nipping at it! A tang? What a world... 
Oh yeah, but Hippos are like the least reef safe Tangs there are. They are bad fishies.
Originally Posted by straightrazorguy
Sorry about you multibar trouble Mindy! I have owned a multibar for a couple of years now. I bought it as a juvenile (loonie-size) and he started eating frozen in quarantine. He does nip at SPS, especially Pocillopora and Cyphastrea, but doesn't seem to do do any damage. For over a year my millis had o polyp extension during the day, but now they are coming around. I feel for you, because I love both my multibar and my SPS. It would be a tough choice...
Lucky you found such a little one!!! I'm not willing to give up PE for an Angelfish. I was hoping I'd get lucky. He's happy now in a really big tank so I guess we both win. He's a $1500 fish now...
Originally Posted by tang daddy
Ok now this scares me, Lps I don’t mind nipping but my sps oh no... although the blue face is most interested in the pellets, that’s all he knows for now, mysis he will pick at abit. I will have to keep a close eye on him.
Sorry about your losses.
A Blueface??? Ok you're just plain nuts...
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