Originally Posted by kien
Is it done ? :-)
Yes it is done.
Originally Posted by Mattyb
Awe man, what happened to the build thread? Wife come home ?
Wife finally came home a few months back.. been getting life on track since then...
Originally Posted by DKoKoMan
Is this still happening? 
Yes it is..
So, after my last post, I continued to work on the build. 10 days later I lost my father and that just threw our entire family in front of a fast moving train basically. Things have settled a bit now, but the void will always be there...
I just slowly put the tank together in March and its been up and running since.
I made the mistake of picking up a bunch of live stock from someone's ich infected tank so hit you can all imagine what that must've been like. Treated the tank with polyplab ich treatment. Things have been batter since then.
Just been picking up a coral here and there and didn't get much done otherwise. Its very bare still... will share a tank shot soon.
Currently taking a course for my CPA designation so not a lot of free time on my hand these days. Hoping to jumpstart reefing again this Christmas.
Gonna be my own Santa this year and get some much needed gear and ofcourse tons of coral and fish. More to come on those plans.
Thanks all!