So not sure why but I have lost two fish over the last two weeks one being my very first Clown that I had since I started 3 years

and my 6 line that I have had for 2 years. Both seemingly acting and eating normally no problems vanished over night 2 weeks apart. Other than the ammonium spike from their death all parameters are fine. Corals (Softies LPS) crabs (hermits and an emerald) shrimp (peppermint and Skunk) and anemones all thriving and Ammonium dropped back down after 2 days I was watching it and swapping some water out. Should not have any hitchhikers started out with all dead rock added live sand. Tank has been running as is for over a year (had to move it). If anyone has any ideas would love to hear before i lose the rest 1 clown 1 green/blue chromis and 1 black bar chromis (Was going to start finish stalking my tank but..... would like to make sure whatever is going on gets contained). I have a media reactor running carbon and GFO cheato and rock in the sump. Filter socks and a 150INT octopus skimmer 75 gallon sump and a 90 gallon DT.