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Old 10-19-2017, 05:39 AM
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Frogger Frogger is offline
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I will now always dip and quarantine new corals, no matter who I get them from.

However certain acros are more likely to have AEFW and I would likely want to take extra precautions with these species of coral. Extra precautions could include multiple dips and careful monitoring.

According to the article 75% of all wild A valida collected from the area they looked had AEFW.

Considering how hard it is to find AEFW on an infected coral. You can't see them when they are on your corals and often it is only the damage they are causing that tips you off. It is my experience with the little monsters that they don't readily abandon ship when treated with Coral RX. They have to be blasted off the corals. I have not tried other methods of dipping. It would be extremely easy to have AEFW and not even know you have it.

I am just looking for fellow hobbyists experience with the flatworms and which corals did they find them on.
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