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Old 10-19-2017, 05:22 AM
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Wheelman76 Wheelman76 is offline
Jedi Master Reefer
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: North Vancouver, BC
Posts: 617
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Resistant ? Or completely immune to AEFW ? Because there’s a huge difference.

The reason I ask is because in your first post , you mention that would wanted to know if there were certain species not affected , so that you could avoid dipping , quarantining etc. I agree that AEFW prefer certain acros , but I highly doubt that any Acropora are immune to AEFW. It’s also different in the wild , where there are so many species for the worm to choose their favourite. What happens in a Reef tank when these “tasty” acros are removed , or die from pest damage ?
I would bet that the AEFW would move onto any Acropora left in the tank to avoid starvation.
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