I recently read an article about AEFW (
https://reefs.com/magazine/on-the-tr...l-killers-120/). In the article they mention that only the following Acropora species are affected by AEFW.
Acropora valida, A. pulchra, A. millepora, A. tortuosa, A. nana, A. tenuis, A. formosa, A. echinata, A. yongei
They also mention that other varieties of Acropora are resistant:
If it is true that these are the species that are most affected it would make sense that these would be the colonies that we would have to watch, quarantine, and dip when we get new acros?
What I am wondering has anyone seen AEFW on other species of Acropora.
Has anybody seen AEFW damage on other species of Acropora than on the list above?