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Old 09-27-2017, 04:34 AM
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Dash Dash is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: New Westminster, BC
Posts: 304
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Here is how it was originally plumbed:

Before I go ahead and try to duplicate this, any thoughts on whether I should change anything? Any improvements I can make?

Here is the sump that came with the tank: 36 x 14 x 18

It has no baffles (new term I just learned) so I would like to put some in and have 3 compartments. Kinda like this except the other way around (not my photo):

So, I'm thinking, from left to right: skimmer, then refugium, then return.

- I would like pipes to be black instead of white as they will be somewhat visible if tank is viewed from the sides. Is it better to paint or buy black pipes? I can order from the US as I shop online frequently.
- glass baffles for glass sump, right? Where is a good place to buy the glass?

Any tips, info would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!
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