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Old 12-14-2004, 12:53 AM
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Dez Dez is offline
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Location: Edmonton
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Default What's left of the 180 for sale.

3 blue devil damsels - $5 each
Lunar wrasse - $30
Zebra Moray -$75
large Bubble Coral - $40
Green Star polyps - various sizes and prices
Candy coral - $8 per head
Some Live rock - $6/lb
Large finger leather -$45
Various mushroom colonies at various prices...
Brain coral $30
Fluorescent Green Tree leather on Large rock with zoos - $55 (rock weighs approx 4 lbs)
Green zoos - can frag..
galaxies - $15
ricordias- $10
Fuzzy green mushrooms (huge)-$15 each

Thank you for your interest.

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