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Old 09-14-2017, 07:38 PM
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Frogger Frogger is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Burnaby
Posts: 515
Frogger is on a distinguished road

In my case because of the age of the system (15 years old) and the nutrients that were built up in the rock, deep sand bed and the heavy volume of algae once I got the Bryopsis under control I had a bad Cyno outbreak, Once I got the Cyno under control I had a bad Dino outbreak. To get the Dino under control I had to encourage the hair algae to grow. Of the 3 things the hair algae is the easiest. This transition took over 6 months to happen. Water changes didn't stop the transition and likely encouraged the Dino outbreak

In the end to fix the root of the problem I have to tear down the tank and start again. It is in the plans anyway.
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