Originally Posted by Zoaelite
So I went and dropped $25 at Picies to get the Two Little Fishies calibration fluid. Who would of thought a 250mL bottle of saltwater... the most plentiful liquid on the planet... would cost $100.00/L...
Talk about profit margin...
Whining about price aside, my salinity which I thought sat at 1.026 has been more around the 1.022 point... for however long.
Now I have had really good success with most everything in my tank, so take this info with a grain of salt (    ). I will certainly be slowly raising my salinity but I think this is a strong testament to the power of keeping things stable in the tank.
But is the new calibration fluid correct ? Lol
This is the thing that's so frustrating with these calibration fluids. They all seem to give slightly different readings , and sometimes way off. I bought a bottle of the sybon calibration fluid several months ago , and found my tank water was at 1.030!! Damn I thought , but before making any changes , I had a friend come over with his refractometer and his own fluid. His refractometer said my tank water was 1.022 , so I returned the bottle to my LFS and had them check it. Turns out this bottle was off by .004 , they checked the other 4 bottles of sybon fluid on the shelf , and they were all bang on at 1.026 like they were supposed to be.
Anyhow , just something to think about before you adjust your salinity.