Originally Posted by Myka
Calibration solution is a whole other can of worms...I've noticed they vary by as much as 5 ppt from one brand to the next. I started making my own (Randy Holmes Farley published a recipe, Google it he also explains why brine refractometers read off when calibrated with distilled water) and bought dropper bottles off Amazon (like ones used in test kits or for eye drops) to store it in so that there is no contamination or evaporation. I've found the Two Little Fishies solution to be the most accurate, however it's in a large open top bottle that's prone to evaporation/contamination very quickly even when the lid seems closed well.
No need to buy those dropper from Amazon or ebay, if you had used those little "Blue Bottles" from Zeovit as they have droppers. I have used them in making my own calibration fluid. It will last a life time