1) A piece of liverock with Meteor Shower Cyphastria, a Mystic Monti, Tyree Sand Dollar, and a Reverse Pokerstar for sale. Currently it also has a baby Rose Bubble Tip Anemone, but it could move at any time.
Rock is approximately 11 inches x 6 x 3.
It does have cyano and Bubble Algae, so it will need some cleaning at your end.
Asking $60. Pick up in Port Coquitlam only. Bring a bucket. Willing to throw in a few extras.
2) Four grapefruit size pieces of liverock. Encrusted with several corals. Includes Brittle Stars and Hermit Crabs.
Looking for $40. Pick up in Port Coquitlam only. Bring a bucket. Willing to throw in a few extras.