Free Tanks! Nano, and full sized
Hey everyone, I have a few tanks and some equipment that i'd like to give away/sell for cheap cheap, before you ask, I shut them down because I did renovations upstairs, these tanks did not leak. There was nothing wrong with them.
Here's a list:
FREE: 180 gallon custom aquarium, euro braced, dual drilled inlets, single overflow box with dual 2" pipes. DOES NOT LEAK... Must take stand too, no sump.
FREE: 35 gallon tall custom aquarium (18"x18"x24") drilled return, custom overflow.
FREE: 55 gallon w/drilled overflow
FREE: single 250w mogul pendant with power compact actinics.
$50: 90 gallon cornerflow. No stand
$75: 75 gallon cornerflow aquarium with custom stained stand, porthole through door for refugium, comes with refugium. no sump.
$100: dual 250 w DE, plus four 54w T5, German made light fixture (Actually from Germany, wired for 220) fits a 4' tank. I think it is loaded with Geisseman bulbs.
This stuff has been sitting around for a bit. All tanks are as is... Spiderwebs are free... Come take them, they're free or so cheap its ridiculous. lol There's other stuff kicking around as well you can make me an offer on. Tunze waveboxes, return pumps, plumbing parts, etc etc. I want the aquariums gone though, set yourself up a crazy fish room!
YOU PICK UP, I won't be delivering free tanks. lol

90 gal SPS display+65 gallon mixed reef
GEAR: Korallin calcium reactor, bio pellets, digital aquatics controller, Tunze ATO, MP40, 4 x Tunze 6105 w/controller, Reef Octopus Xp3000 ext, 2x250w MH, Futura LED.