I've been working on house stuff for many weekends, and told the wife I need this one off to rest as I'm too tired on Monday mornings.
I had plans for an easy weekend;
-Pick up a new oven controller/replace/install it (apparently it needs some mods); repair our pressure washer, then clean the deck and balcony; prep the front of the house for a new blacktop parking pad.
That is an 'easy' weekend for me
So, Sat morning the Wife asks what I'm doing today, and I cringe. All the while I'm thinking 'Hell no, I don't care, I'm tired and it's my weekend to do whatever I want'.
I give her my list of stuff I want to do, and she says ........
Why don't we go look at new trucks?
I'm floored and don't know what to say
Fast forward to tonight and this is what I'm picking up next weekend after they finish installing all the extras we convinced them to add on
I have the best wife ever

Oh, I forgot the best part ...
She bought it for me