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Old 07-25-2017, 06:20 AM
SunDemon SunDemon is offline
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Default Need Help Please.

So I posted about 10 days ago in another forum and the conclusion was raise Salinity to 1.026 and raise temp to 78. I have done these two things but i'm wondering if anyone else would have any more suggestions?

Corals have never really taken off in my tank, I had a growth spurt about 5 months ago, but only lasted a week and now they aren't growing again.
As you can see, I have a small Acropora that has completely bleached.
My water parameters are as follows, and have always been consistent with these:
1.024 salinity (now 1.026) ( Purple IO)
10.5 DKH
0.00 Phosphate
385 CAL
1385 MAG
8.3 PH
75 Degrees (Now 77.5-78.3) pretty steady, (in a room with AC)

All tests done with Salifert / Hanna Phosphate checker.
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