Looking for sump design help
Hey guys im in the process of moving my tank over to my new house I now have the chance to change the layout of my sump 75g
What im trying to plan is to take out my spot that has 2 filter socks and revamp it to have filter pads instead was thinking course pad ( that i can wash and put back in )and then on top of that a fine filter pad or cut open filter socks that I can either throw away or wash quick
The left side of my sump overflows into a 4" by 18" chamber then overflows into the shelf holding 2 4" filter socks then down into chamber over a wall then into main part of the sump which holds my skimmer ( ill try to get a picture tomorrow here)
Now is the time when I move it, it will be empty and I can add or change the glass in there, Anyone have any pictures or ideas what's the best way to change to this type of setup, currently I have the filter socks cut off at the bottom and on top of that I have the filter pads Fine -->course over top but im looking for better ideas
Other idea was maybe going to that rolling mat thing but that's a few hundred dollars that I could use to go towards better places
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything