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Old 07-13-2017, 07:08 PM
sobe sobe is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Surrey, BC
Posts: 70
sobe is on a distinguished road

Hmm i just switch to AF salt as well just on last water change 2 weeks ago and noticed these as well matter of week it grow, it spreads fast. I was coming from IO salt too which i didnt have this problem. The bubbles are from gas being produced and its trapped in inside. The end stage is where it lifts off and "melts" away. It mostly grow on sandbed and walks over anything on its path that have rock or calcified structure., zoa on a sand bed attached to a rock is unaffected and it was just arround it. My acan i had to move them off the bed and into a rockwork.

I noticed that i directed a power head on it and end stage seem to go faster.

Lps seem unaffected still has polyps open. But yea they blanket anything they touch.

Im affraid water changing with the same salt that is producing this will just make matter worse?
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