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Old 07-02-2017, 11:47 PM
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Default Need help to move 8' 300G NBBY jul4

Hey guys,

Let me know if youre able to help move a couple tanks!

I've got a 8' 300G (400lbs) and a 4' sump (200lbs) that are being delivered to the curb on Tuesday afternoon.

The 8' just needs to be brought into the livingroom.
The sump into the basement.

I figure at least 6 people needed to make it a comfortable move.

I'm in North Burnaby and am thinking early evening for the move.

I'd be glad to put some faces to names and feed the faces with pizza and beverages!

One caveat, the house is being reno'd so no furniture, and no washroom (except port a potty).

I know it's short notice but let me know if you can help!
If there's enough volunteers then it'll be a go, otherwise I'll have to go with some movers.

- S H A O -
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