90 Gal Fluval Profile Stainless Series Tank on Stand
20 Gal Sump
Bubble Magnus Curve 7 Protein Skimmer
Return Pump jecod dcs-9000
300watt Heaters x 2
Hydor Wave Maker Controler
Hydor Koralia 3 Power Head x 2
UV Sterilizer
6 x 20 (24 Cree Led) Pendant Light x 2 Multi light spectrum.
Blue Fish Wireless Light Controller
80lbs of Live Rock
Some Corals
3 Clown Fish
Coral Test kit
Saltwater Test Kit
and all buckets and misc items go with it.
This tank is healthy and beautiful. Just dont have time to maintain it any more.
The Equipment alone totals up to a couple Thousands dollars worth. Most of it is 6-8 months old.
Asking 2000$
I Cant figure out pictures on here so i linked the Kijiji ad for pictures