Thread: "Garage sale"
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Old 06-08-2017, 06:31 PM
Frenchie2 Frenchie2 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Pitt Meadows, BC
Posts: 73
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Default "Garage sale"

I have quit the hobby a while ago and have the following items for sale:

- Pin point Wireless Thermometer = $50.00
- Two Little Fishies Phosban Reactor 150 + GFO including new Maxi-Jet 600 Power head = $45.00
- Refractometer RHS-10 ATC = $15.00
- 100W Jaeger Heater = $10.00
- 150W Visi-therm heater = $10.00
- 50W Visi-therm heater = $10.00
- 900 Maxijet powerhead = $5.00
- Penguin 550 powerhead = $5.00
- New Fusion quiet power air pump (200) = $10.00
- 2 Battery operated air pumps = $5.00 ea.
- Hydro sponge filter = $3.00
- 2 Coralife 150W Bulbs 10,000K - 6 month old (double ended) - $15.00 ea.
- 2 Coralife 150W Bulbs 10,000K - 1 year old (double ended) - $10.00 ea.

Please PM me for any of these items. ThX! Carole
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