I've been involved in safety to varying degrees at my workplace over the last 18 yrs and in that time I have seen changes galore some were beauracratic others in response to catastrophic issues (Lakeland and burns lake sawmill explosions) to others being modernized yet one thing has not changed over the 18 years
The incessant moaning, groaning, whining and snivelling of both the employee and employer and generally speaking those in the front line of safety are the most frequent targets of those who bitch moan and groan and in some cases like today you get those that threaten you because they are forced to change
I love safety but when people start to threaten you it makes one wonder why we do safety anyway
People hate change and often lash out at the first point of contact and even though I have a thick skin it does wear one down but then again people hate to be told to do something in other words grown up children who pout
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....