Whether you like his methods or not Cesar Milan makes it a habit to promote pit bulls as a gentle and loving dog I've met him personally and had a one on one with him although brief he understands the fears people have of dogs especially the ones deemed as violent (ie. pit bulls, German Shepard, Doberman, st. Bernard's and collies to name a few) but in his opinion no dog is born dangerous but are made dangerous by people and I agree with that whole heartedly
I have been attacked and bitten many times by dogs but I never blamed them I grew up in the country where dogs were everywhere I have the scars to show for it but we knew that dogs were for the most part working dogs first and family pets second and working dogs had to focus disturb that focus and you paid for it up that was time era I grew up in today the world is full of bleeding hearts and people who watch too many reality shows that don't show reality. Please don't blame the dog blame the human
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....