Originally Posted by 604reefer
No PO4 test kit  , NO3 20ppm before WC and 5ppm after by the looks of it? Always hard to tell with the API kit and my eyes...
If you are reading detectable nitrate with the API kit you do not want to be adding nitrate to your system. At this stage you do not need to buy the Red Sea Pro Test kit as the API is fine for high levels of nitrate. Red Sea Pro is required only for testing low levels of nitrate below 2ppm. Your money could be used better elsewhere.
You need to get a good quality phosphate test kit and determine what your phosphates are. Never add nitrates or phosphates to your system without knowing what your parameters are and without having a specific goal.
Depending on what your phosphates are you may want to add a nitrate reducing system of some sort, you may need to add a phosphate reducing system (GFO) and more importantly look at your husbandry of your tank.