Originally Posted by Myka
I guess you're setting it back up then.  That's awesome that Marineland was s good to deal with! Did they ask about the stand at all?
apparently !
they were very easy to deal with. If it had anything to do with the stand or concrete sinking the glass pane would have blown out. a seal that randomly leaks like a sive a year after its up and running is a faulty seal. Im sure if the pane had blown out they probably would have blamed the stand and told me i was SOL
if you have any idea how weight bears down and shear walls work its amazing how "little" you need to hold stationary weight.
either way this is super rare and how they handled the leak Id have no problem buying another tank from them. Im quite lucky it was in a commerical building and not my house where I just redid the flooring 3 months ago!!!