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Old 05-10-2017, 04:34 PM
st0rmtr000pa st0rmtr000pa is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Surrey
Posts: 32
st0rmtr000pa is on a distinguished road

Wow will be quite the set up when u get it going. Do you plan on plumbing the tanks together or running separate filtration?
I plan on having separate filtration.

Does the same colour carpet run the length of that floor? I am not a big fan of that colour but yes they do sell those plastic carpet overlay for construction with adhesion on one side, I think movers may use that too...mind you it works better on low turf carpets like the ones in the office but should be ok for this application. I am not too sure if you're a careful guy with tanks or clumsy like me, every tank I've owned has had spills some big some small, ato bins have overflowed one too many times, I should already invest in a float valve. Anyhow everything else looks like you're off to a good start. I didn't see any windows, will you be adding a dehumidifier or something as it could get very moist having that much water in one room.

Are the two tanks going to have independent sumps?
Yes the same color carpet runs the length of the floor. It's actually all white.
In the picture it looks pink. I'm going to look into the carpet overlay. I've
had my clumsy moments too lol. I'm a bit worried that's why I was thinking
of plastic then plastic tile on top. I will have float valves installed in the
garbage cans for safety as I have done the same thing as you in the past
lol. There is a window there thankfully. I like to run a pump from the tank to
the window for water changes. It makes it a lot easier in my opinion.
Yes the two tanks will have independent sumps.
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