Time for an update, tank has been on auto pilot for awhile, picked up a bunch of AF stuff. Trying the flourine, energy, vitality, phyto, amino and build.
So far I have been dosing flourine as per recommended from one of my good friends that has seen a shot in his sps in Avery short time, for the cheap price that Jl sells their 10ml bottles I thought why not. I talked to Jeff from JL and aquired some 3 weeks back since the light dosage of only once a week I've noticed my loom put on almost 1/2". I am sold forsure. Other slower pieces has started to take off aswell.
A friend shutting down and another starting up I went to pick up some corals for my friend when I saw a piece I couldn't pass up the price was high but I am comfortable paying it as I know it's a show piece. This coral has made a full circle around my friends and now back into my tank. Gotta luv dem rainbows!!