Hi all,
I decided that after 25 years of reef keeping it's time to move on.
I tried to take decent pics, but it's hard with my cell to capture the size and color.
I'll try to describe corals on each picture.

On left is Cali tort (5") $30
In center is purple bonsai (6") looks green) $25
Dead center is neon green trumpets (I have more) $10 each
On right is blue turaki (8") $30
Far right is orange Monti cap and yellow Monti on rock $20
In the back are pink Stylophoras (7") 10 years old on left $200 and (3.5") $80

In center is green Anthocercis (at least 7") $40
Far left is green mille (5") $30
On far right is boldering cyphastrea $20

4 pieces of green Sinularia $20 each

Frags are $15 each or 10 for $100
Mostly pink stylos, Cali torts, pink prostata, green mille, red planet,