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Old 04-26-2017, 10:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Animal-Chin View Post
are coral still dying or have things mellowed out?

I wish there were easy answers to this sort of thing. When I started carbon dosing I lost a lot of acro which was maddening because my nitrate was at 80 and they were doing fine and it was during the nitrate drop they started dying off. Now I have a nitrate and algae free tank but lot a lot.

I still think carbon dosing isn't an awesome idea even though I run a reactor. My nitrates/phosphates are super low but I loose sps coral here and there.

I have a huge red planet, the healtyiest looking coral in my tank. 4 days ago one branch turns totally white. I snap it off and the next day another. Every day one little branch (or nub as I call them) dies.

Why? NO idea. Why are all my other coral fine? NO idea. I just keep trimming and hope it stops.

What i should do is reduce my bio load (I have a bunch of big ole fish) and maintain my tank the old way, water changes, but I love my fish so I'm trying to combat their load with a reactor and I'm thinking the consequence is some sps loss.

Sorry just thinking out loud here. Maybe something rings true to your tank?
You should probably start you own thread so we can help you address your problems.
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