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Old 04-26-2017, 09:29 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Maple Ridge
Posts: 349
Animal-Chin is on a distinguished road

are coral still dying or have things mellowed out?

I wish there were easy answers to this sort of thing. When I started carbon dosing I lost a lot of acro which was maddening because my nitrate was at 80 and they were doing fine and it was during the nitrate drop they started dying off. Now I have a nitrate and algae free tank but lot a lot.

I still think carbon dosing isn't an awesome idea even though I run a reactor. My nitrates/phosphates are super low but I loose sps coral here and there.

I have a huge red planet, the healtyiest looking coral in my tank. 4 days ago one branch turns totally white. I snap it off and the next day another. Every day one little branch (or nub as I call them) dies.

Why? NO idea. Why are all my other coral fine? NO idea. I just keep trimming and hope it stops.

What i should do is reduce my bio load (I have a bunch of big ole fish) and maintain my tank the old way, water changes, but I love my fish so I'm trying to combat their load with a reactor and I'm thinking the consequence is some sps loss.

Sorry just thinking out loud here. Maybe something rings true to your tank?
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