Originally Posted by iceman86
Ok I'll let it roll for a few weeks and see how it goes. Parameters are perfectly steady so fingers crossed!!
Thanks for the help everyone!
That's the trickiest part! Keeping the numbers steady for weeks and months at a time. When the numbers are steady for a long time we get lax on testing/monitoring and we do stupid things like let a doser run out of fluid or don't test for a month and find out that growth has taken off or even tapered off and KH is at 5 or 12 dKH. Ugh.
Two months ago I accidentally turned the doser off on my own tank, and didn't notice until I could see the corals reacting to low KH. The KH hit 5.7-5.85 dKH (depending which test you believe), and the damage was already done. The first thing I did was turn the T5s down by 50%, then I corrected the KH by taking a week to slowly bring it back up, and then I sat back and waited for the apocalypse.

After about 3 weeks I started seeing the affects. It takes quite awhile to see the affects - usually just when you start to think you're in the clear. Now two months later the Acros still aren't back to where they were - maybe another month.