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Old 04-21-2017, 10:54 PM
iceman86 iceman86 is offline
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Originally Posted by Craigdillman View Post
Hey man that really sucks

But from what from I'm reading if your fish are ok and it started with corals and your parameters have been stable the only other thing you Changed that was big was the lights, LEDs are a big change from the T5 specially if you haven't been up on changing the bulbs you could have had a massive par swing from like 300- over 1000 some lights are depending what u got and settings and height , i would start there dial back the lights % if you can or shorten the time they are on

Seems your water is good but with death water changes are never a bad thing maybe try doing a few decent % WCs to see if you can turn the tide

Hope that helps man not sure
Thanks for your help. I changed to led when the t5 where about 9 months old so I can be shock as you mention. If I can't seem to figure it out, I'll do some large water changes to remove anything that may be in the water.
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