i certainly appreciate this thread as it kind of guilts me into being a little more meticulous. i definitely haven't gone to the lengths that i read here but have used a multi-stage process that includes the physical act of dipping, inspection of both coral and dipping solution following treatment and a wash.
i've used bayer before and gave it the respect it deserves after being strictly instructed not to mess around with it as if any gets in your display can be devastating.
i do have questions though (of course

to me bayer is a superior product to many others for acropora but it isn't locally available. do you use ebay to get it?
a lot of times a new addition in a larger tank requires being moved around the tank for light acclimation and to find it's happy place. how do you go about relocating a coral that no longer is affixed to a plug?
finally, have you ever lost a coral to associated dipping process trauma?