Please share your dipping procedures for SPS corals.
Give us all the details!
Do you clip the corals off the plugs or do you leave plugs on?
What do you do with dead areas? Maybe a dead tip or a bit of skeleton showing near the base from gluing?
What do you use for a dip? How long do you dip for?
Do you wear personal protective equipment? Do you touch the dip water?
What do you think your choice of dip is protecting you against? (<-- this is fun!)
Do you dip all corals or only some corals?
How do you decide if you dip or not?
Do you examine the dip water afterwards?
What do you do with the corals if you see something on the coral or in the dip water?
Do you tell the seller if you find something? (<-- they never believe you anyway haha)
Do you place the corals in a quarantine tank after dipping or straight into your display?
Any other details???