Originally Posted by Frogger
This is not good for those that are currently selling Acro's in the lower mainland. Or for anyone wanting to buy Acros from the lower mainland. We are in a Catch 22 right now. Dammed if we do dammed if we don't. Everyone is considered potentially guilty until we know whose corals are infected.
Maybe the best option is the person that is selling the infected corals to stop selling any corals from his system until it can be verified that he is AEFW free for at least 3 months. Once he stops selling his corals the Mods that know who he is can say it is now safe to buy Acros again from the lower mainland.
The other option is for Canreef to list all those hobbyists selling Acroporas that are verified to be from AEFW free systems.
I wouldn't point my finger at anyone unless I have proof myself. It is such a sensitive subject in this hobby and I wouldn't be happy if someone wrongfully accused me for that. Don't get me wrong, I totally agree with everyone that if you know you have aefw or any other pest, as a seller, you needs to disclose that information with potential buyers, its the only RIGHT thing to do.
I have my suspects but here is how this all started, a person traded in some sps coral frags to one of the local store and someone was told by that store the sps carried aefw and had some bad effect on the store system. Take it for what it's worth and direct your questions to the proper source.
Originally Posted by crimper
I used to be a BCA member way back my planted tank and discus days addiction, the feature that I missed moving to Canreef is the Feedback/Rating to all transactions that is done through the BCA Buy/Sell Trade.
Can Canreef add the same feature?
Just asking. 
Very good point and attribution. I would love to see this as it is a key factor for me to purchase used stuff on other forums. MODS, upgrade time, Wardog, Mindy, Kien, Titus? Inputs?
Originally Posted by Animal-Chin
Do you find that fresh cuts have a higher mortality rate? I've bought 2 fresh cuts and both RTN'd pretty quick, I figured they didn't have time to heal before being taken from one tank to another and the shock of the difference in parameters or flow or light was too much on them.
Maybe I'll start an all Acan reef, no one ever reports issues with Acans...lol
lol, I don't think that's necessary although an acan only tank would be sexy as hell. lol
I would say fresh cuts are only as healthy as the mother colony. A weak colony will yield weak frags and might not withstand that extra bit of stress of being fragged or dipped, so pick your sellers wisely. Others can just be the specific species of the sps coral, my accidental frags of the teal dragon always peels, don't ask me why, it just does. It's not like we don't have enough shit to worry about running a sps tank. lol