Years ago I found AEFW on an aquacultured mini colony I had recently bought. I removed it from the tank and threw it in the garbage. It's not worth the $100 to risk my collection. Lucky for me, it had not spread to any of the other corals. Regardless, I stopped selling frags for 3 months, and warned everyone that had bought frags from me since I had bought that coral. Luckily no one else's tank was infected, and it really was localized to that one coral. Thank goodness!

Ever since then, no frag plugs or aquaculture "mounds" are allowed in my tank. I clip all corals off plugs/disks/mounds, dip in bayer, and mount them on new plugs. I also clip off and/or scrape any damaged areas or spots of bare skeleton. The eggs aren't laid on the live skin, they are laid on the plugs and spots of bare skeleton.
Originally Posted by Moogled
PM the OP for the name of the seller.
This is a great suggestion.