Originally Posted by Sharkbait-huhaha
Whoa Ryan, woke up on the wrong side of the bed? You're entitled to your own opinion but what differs from your tank to mine is that you keep exotic and expensive corals, and for that reason I believe it's an investment that I would too, check my parameters often.
When I got into this hobby, I was fascinated on the look and peace it brings me after 12-14 hour work shift. Coming home to do extra work on the tank is on the less side of my worries. I have had my tank up for over 6 months after moving into my new house. And before that, it was in an establish tank for 2 years.
If I ever do acquire half of the nice corals you got, then maybe you can give me pointers of dosing and checking parameter. 
Ryan is very passionate about keeping good husbandry just like most of us on here. I am sure it's not directed at anyone. As my previous post states every tank is different, people needs to be more accountable when they give advice. Experience reefers can differentiate between "good" and "bad" advice but to a newbie, someones "bad" advice might end their reefing hobby. Let's provide the whole story of your tank and why you offer your opinions on certain matters which might just alleviate a whole lot of confusion and the possibilities of costly mistakes.