Thread: Testing water
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Old 03-17-2017, 07:51 PM
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Originally Posted by acepumping View Post
Really? Testing takes a lousy 10 minutes once a week for your hard earned money to stay alive! Plus!! I enjoy testing and starring at the tank at the same time..

But then again, it's better to have a crash and look for cheap coral again vs. (Me) testing once a week to save my expensive pieces..
I am lazy too and I don't ever test.....however, my wife does lol suckers.

I think you hit the nail on the head when you define "cheap" corals but I think the proper term is EASY. If you had a tank of crappy softies (I don't like them so they are crappy to me, others might think my sps's are crappy, I don't really care. lol) or even some nice LPS one can argue for lack of testing. Most of them are pretty tough and will not die even if you tried. On the other hand, if you got a tank full of 4-5 hundo cadillac frags then you best be checking your parameters and check them often. Also, if you check your parameter once a month and decided that $hit has hit the fan that you need to make drastic adjustments, please don't! You need to go slow and make minor changes or else you might experience more issues than you set out to correct.

This is why I don't agree with some of the replies here, put your money where your mouth is. You don't do certain thing for your tank then tell the newbies that could be reading your advice why you don't and most importantly POST A PICTURE OF YOUR TANK so they will know what to expect if they neglect certain things.
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