Thread: Testing water
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Old 03-17-2017, 01:41 AM
Sharkbait-huhaha Sharkbait-huhaha is offline
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Maple Ridge
Posts: 70
Sharkbait-huhaha is on a distinguished road

Nada, don't check for squat. Only time I check something is when I do salinity check.

I believe in keeping good husbandry goes a long way - also I don't have any really high demanding corals.

Clean skimmer and swap out filter socks every 3-4 days
10% water change weekly
30% water change every 6th week
Zeovit additives routinely

I too keep an eye on the fish and corals. If all looks fat, happy and plump. I let it be.
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