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Old 02-25-2017, 05:31 AM
hunggi74's Avatar
hunggi74 hunggi74 is offline
LOVES STAR WARS... mostly Ewoks and Porgs.
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Richmond, BC
Posts: 359
hunggi74 is on a distinguished road
Default 4" Regal Angelfish YVR

I am sad to sell my Regal. I want clams and he's too risky to have in the tank. I have anSPS dominant tank and so far he has been pretty good. Seen him take a nip randomly once in awhile but nothing major. I do lack polyp extension during the day so I'm sure he's part of the reason. 4" big and fat. Very healthy eater. Pellets, mysis, brine, nori, algae on rocks. He isn't a fussy eater. $80. I'll catch him when you come as he goes into the trap readily. [IMG][/IMG]
Only pic I have of him. He's not a Red Sea one but does have some yellow around his chest area. Most likely a Philippines specimen. Beautiful regardless.
Please text me 604-318-0041 for inquiries
Illuminata 57gallon rimless <-- this is a lie!
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