Well, got a little more done today. Like in my big tank, I cut a piece of acrylic to cover 3/4 of the floor of the tank to protect it from the rock. Then I rinsed some of the sand I had, seafloor special and prepared it for the tank.
I had several rocks from my big tank that I had removed from the refugium due to algae and I have "revitalized" them with a year outside and recently a bleach soak. As it turned out only one of these rocks fit. I had another clean rock that was still in my tank that I planed to use as the seed rock for the new tank. When put together I was all out of room. The real estate here goes fast.
I think I like the rock-scape (it has room for some corals) and I can clean all the way around it. This is my daughters tank and she liked this setup the best of the ones I tried so that's really what matters.


Now i've got filter floss and a filter sock trying to remove the stuff I couldn't rinse out.
