Originally Posted by Amadod2
such an amazing tank!!! i have a few questions for you Rich, what are your big 3 levels (cal,alk,mag) what is your tank maintenance like, i.e. water changes?
I am so bad at testing but wife usually does it for me every 2-3 weeks

, I try to keep it at natural salt water level, 7 dkh 420 cal and 1300 mag. water changes is done every 2 weeks some times 3. 35 gallons per change on a 140 total system. Dosing is done by BRS bulk chemicals. I don't dose much of anything else but I have a good stock of stuff that when I remember I dump some in. Recently I ditched the filter sock, getting sick of raising and washing. Lighting is a 8 bulb ati fixture. Bare bottom with shit load of flow (2 gyres, 2 tunze 6105, return pump is laguna 4800gph) skimmer is a bbk super marin 250. Lastly some marine pure bricks along with the new brightwell no3 brick.
Originally Posted by hunggi74
Hey hey hey....no bleeping on this thread.
Originally Posted by hunggi74
And change the name of your thread yah? Title is misleading! It's embarrassing to have a mod come in and do it for you...
Wardog....where is the damn mod when you need one.