Mainly, I just take my frags into the LFS for credit because I don't like strangers in my house. I like trades best (retail value for retail value) because both parties get a good deal. If I sell directly, I usually price at whatever the market will bear. I try to be about 75% of retail. I don't like to sell frags too cheap (especially high-end frags) because then it damages the value of the coral. I really like the auctions here because then I don't have to price them, the buyer does.
Originally Posted by GoFish
Not a fan of people who say "what's your best price?". I consider that question rude in general, especially when someone does that via text message or PM.
Agreed! I usually tell those people my original asking price or I add $5 hehe, and if I'm in a bad mood I might even block them.

The low-ballers? I don't reply. If there's one thing I can't stand is cheap people. If you can't afford the price, you don't get to buy it. Simple. I don't usually entertain offers either. If someone is willing to pay the prices, doesn't ask for a deal, and buy a few things, then I usually offer them a price break. If they ask for one...NO PRICE BREAK!