I guess I should actually address the question

I sell frags for what I feel they are worth, simple as that. If I paid $250 for a frag, I will likely try to sell my frags of that coral for $150. If I have a plethora of red montipora, I will give someone a mini colony for $15. But for stuff like my SI Pectina frags, $250 a pop. I don't try to compete with other people's prices simply because I don't care what they charge. If someone wants my corals, they will pay what I advertise the price is. I don't care if you can get that green slimer for $10 from joeblowcorals.ca, if you want it from my tank now it's $25

I mean I dicker on price somewhat, depending on how much a person is buying.
But then there is the whole trading side of it. If someone has something I want I am 100% down for bartering. I buy nice big name corals for them to retain their value and give me trade value.