Thread: skimmer vs fuge
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Old 12-08-2004, 05:38 AM
Stirfry Stirfry is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Aldergrove
Posts: 61
Stirfry is on a distinguished road

i luv my fuge it has cute down the amout of hair algea in my tank so far and i am soooo glad

and this is a very contravercial issue but i have not used my skimmer for abotu a year and now i just started using it about a year ago and i havn't noticed much difference

some belive it is a nesseside other believe it is not

im not sure on mine but why not do both jus build a d.i.y. skimmer ur own way and then u can custom build it to the exact size

hope i wuz some help

p.s. sorry about my spelling
80 gal acrilic reef tank
33 gal sump
8 gal fuge
a blue water skimmer
a power jet 7000 running everything
2 artinic vho 119w lighting
1 aqua light 150w hqi mh light
about 100 pound of live rock
about 50 pounds of live sand
2 skunk\'s
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