Thread: Tank shut Down
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Old 02-01-2017, 03:11 PM
Trigger Happy Trigger Happy is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 6
Trigger Happy is on a distinguished road

**Updated List**

150 gal display 20.5H x 24W x 72L with stand & sump. $600
Sump is 18H x 20W x 60L 9" running depth

2 Overgrow Led IT2080 32" fixtures $500

GHL Profilux 4 head Doser $200 PENDING

Reef Octopus bio pellets RX $100

Skims 251 skimmer $150 PENDING

BRS dual GFO RX $75

2 TLF RX, 1 new 2 maxi jet 400 brand new in boxes $80

Tune ATO with spare control module $100 PENDING

BRS RO/DI $120

Aqua Medic temp control $50

30 Gal stand up mix tank $75

40 Gal food grade bin for RO reservoir $60

6" coral viewer $10

150 live rock $3/lb No pests, tank has been up for 6 years. There are bristle worms, but they are good cleaners All top rock has a lot of sps shapes, as the tank was run full sps until July 2015, then switched to softies due to life schedule, which there are lots of.

Numerous dry goods, parts, pumps & extras Free

Moving sale everything Must go & prices are OBO.

All live stock must go first & will be posted in the livestock section.
Please text 4038705502
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