Interesting to note: When using the NIST thermometer to compare to client in-tank thermometers, ALL in-tank thermometers read LOWER than the NIST thermometer. I'm not sure if that is just fluke, or if that's typical (will need to do a lot more testing), but it's certainly a good thing to make note of. This evidence
suggests, that if anything, your tank is
warmer than you think it is.
Originally Posted by shiftline
Where did you pick up the NIST thermometer ?
There are several options on under $100.

Search, "NIST thermometer", and you will see many options. Also try "traceable thermometer" and you will get even more results.
I bought
this one. It looks different than the pic though. There is an on/off button, and a C/F button. The temperature settles pretty quick too. It's only accurate to +/- 1C though, so I might try to find a bit more accurate one next time.
This one is accurate to 0.2C for $80, and I'll probably give it a shot for my next one.
Ooooh, look at
this one! Option of waterproof probe sensors, accuracy to 0.3C, and alarms settable to 0.1C increments! $105. Or, use your aquarium controller and calibrate with a cheaper NIST thermometer.
For $40, I figure I can replace it yearly or so rather than get it recalibrated. I haven't found anywhere to recalibrate it, and I imagine it would cost more than $40 anyway...?? For someone keeping it in the house, it probably doesn't need calibration as often, but mine will be in the car all year round and exposed to temperatures -40C to probably 50C in the car in the summer. i know my refractometer doesn't even keep calibration for a week in the winter when it's super cold.