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Old 01-22-2017, 06:29 AM
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Originally Posted by smitas5 View Post
yes so I'm trying to stay consistent.. And after water change parameters are knocked off track, so I'm trying to avoid that. What do you recommend? cause judging by your post (salt, salt, salt) you are a numbers guy too. What was the verdict?
I was a numbers guy, but have come to learn that chasing 'perfect' numbers is not practical... besides, I have seen awesome tanks where the Alk has dropped from 8.0 to 5.5 at times.

The thread Salt, salt, salt is simply a database for our community, and is merely a guideline to record various brands mixed parameters.

If you are having problems with inconsistency during water changes then I recommend you test your tank and freshly mixed water together. If my tanks Alk measures at 8.0 and my fresh mixed water tests at 7.7, then I do the math and add Alk to the fresh water to bring it up to 8.0. I do this with Alk, Cal and Mg before every w/c. I am also dosing BRS big 3 with a Libra.

...and for the record, I'm using AF Reef Salt, and I think its fantastic. However, that being said, IO is still the best bang for the buck.

Last edited by WarDog; 01-22-2017 at 06:41 AM.
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